


Therapy For Teens

Recent events have changed things for everyone. Life with a teen has become more stressful with many new challenges. It is more important than ever for teens to have an outlet for their emotions and to be able to problem-solve unresolved obstacles.

I provide therapy for teens and consultation for parents in person and online from the convenience and comfort of your home.

The first step in seeking professional help is often the most difficult because it involves acknowledging a particular problem exists. While the door toward new solutions is always present, the choice to open the door, is solely yours. The good news is, after the first step forward, together, we will embark on a path toward feeling more hopeful and meeting your goals.


Therapy For Adults

Parenting stirs powerful emotions. It can touch past memories and future worries like no other relationship.  So much of our identity as adults is formed through our role as parents. Our overall health and happiness is influenced by how satisfied we are in that role. It takes time, practice, and making mistakes along the way to become the parent that you envision.

Therapy can help us become better parents. We can learn to become more nurturing, less critical, and more empathetic. Parents can learn how to set boundaries or establish much needed limits.

Therapy focuses on your thoughts, feelings, and personal goals. Therapy can help manage the natural stress and emotions that arise from raising kids. It can add perspective to your current thoughts and feelings surrounding being a parent, and any resulting struggles. These struggles can play out in our lives through conflict with a child, partner, or in sibling rivalry among our children.


Coaching For Parents

For some parents, coaching, is structured specifically to learn practical strategies to manage common parenting challenges. Clients seek Coaching to help learn how to set limits, deal with academic underachievement, or end unproductive communication.

Both Therapy and Coaching can lead to a positive outcome, but the process clients experience is different.


Let’s begin.