Families Seek Help for Many Common Challenges
Many families seek therapy for a teen experiencing depression, a severe or prolonged sense of sadness. I work with teens to help them take positive steps to improve their mood, build confidence, and ultimately feel more hopeful about the future.
Difficulties with focus, attention, and hyperactivity can cause school-related difficulties, impulsive decision-making, and strained relationships. I help clients create a systematic plan to stay organized enabling them to manage time, tasks and responsibilities with greater success.
Teens experiencing extremely anxious thoughts and feelings often avoid important aspects in their lives. Perfectionism is an example of anxious thinking particularly among highly successful teens. I employ cognitive behavioral therapy strategies to help change personal thoughts that produce anxious feelings and behavior. These changes help clients feel secure in taking on their anxious feelings or fears independently.
Students experiencing academic difficulty may require school-based support or changes to their study habits. I can review student records and help you work with your child’s school to devise an appropriate course of action.
Teens and parents experiencing difficulty adjusting to a life change like divorce, separation, or family relocation often need support during these kinds of major transitions.
Teens having trouble clarifying their future and/or post-secondary plans can benefit from assistance with exploring and discovering options, reflecting on their interests and strengths, and deciding on a personal path forward.
Parents experiencing difficulty with energy-draining child behaviors like arguing, nagging, and oppositional behavior often seek my parent coaching services. I help parents learn practical skills for helping to raise responsible, respectful, and contributing family members. To learn more about Coaching For Parents, click HERE.
Click HERE to read more about Parenting the Love and Logic Way™
To schedule an appointment or a phone consultation, to learn more about my experience with addressing a particular problem, or my therapy process, please use the CONSULTATION button below. There is no charge for an initial phone consultation.